I had to add billing from scratch once too often.
Now I've built the easiest way to add Paddle to your SaaS

I'm Alex and I've been doing SaaS for a while now. Billing is the one thing that unites every founder. Otherwise it's just a hobby.

Having built on Paddle for years now, watching them grow and getting to know their team, it's a no-brainer for me to outsource billing and taxes to them.

Just one less thing to think about on your already full plate.

Let Paddle handle the checkout for you.
Let Boathouse handle the billing UI for you.

In a past career I built enterprise systems, worked in IT security for almost a decade and co-founded one of Europe's leading innovation consultancies. Now I run a portfolio of SaaS products with my team.

Simply put, I built Boathouse because I needed it. And I think you do too.

– Alex

Alex Duggleby the founder of Boathouse
Hey! I'm Alex the founder of Boathouse

Any questions? Get in touch!

Book a call and let's discuss your Boathouse or Paddle integration

Legal information

Boathouse is a product made and operated by

Sol Inventum OÜ
Sepapaja tn 6,
Lasnamäe linnaosa,
Harju maakond
15551 Estonia

Private Limited Company
Registry Code / Company Nr: 14665482
VAT Number: EE102137570

Managing Board Member: Alexander Duggleby
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +372 640 6431