Accessing historic data

In an unfortunate turn of events just before the official launch, Paddle announced that their events API would no longer deliver historic data older than 90 days. The dashbaord relies on the events endpoint to synchronize your data, which means from the date the change is implemented the Dashboard can only show you up to 90 days of history on your dashboard.

TL;DR: If you're reading this before October 21, 2024, purchase the dashboard today, use our install guide to get it setup in about 15 min and start the data sync. That way you will have a dashboard with full access to your Paddle history.

What does this mean for Dashboard?

Thankfully Paddle is working on restoring the access to historic data but via different means and as soon as that mechanism becomes available the dashboard will be updated and will regain access to all of your Paddle data. As of right now there's not commitment to date, but we expect sometime this year.

But I've already purchased the Dashboard?

If you have already purchased and synced your data before the deadline, you have full access to your history and no changes are necessary. Enjoy, nothing for you to do.

If you have purchased but not synced yet and the deadline has not passed then we recommend setting up your dashboard and starting the sync asap. If not, you'll fall into the next category.

Should I purchase after the deadline?

The dashboard will still import 90 days of history and all on-going events from Paddle, so it's still useful for on-going analytics. It just simply won't be showing you a full view of your Paddle history (for now). Since our license including lifetime updates, you can benefit from the updated version once Paddle provides access to the history again.

Anything else?

Previously the assumption was your database is not backup critical because at any time you could get a copy of the state from Paddle again. Of course until access to the historic data is restored this is no longer the case, so you might want to backup the dashboard database if you rely on the dashboard heavily.

If you have any question regarding this, feel free to reach out at [email protected] and of course we'll keep all customers informed about any new versions.