SaaS Dunning: What Is It, How to Manage It & Best Practices

Table of contents

OverviewThis guide explores SaaS dunning, a process for recovering failed payments and preventing involuntary churn through strategies like automated reminders and flexible payment options.
Why It MattersEffective dunning reduces involuntary churn, stabilizes revenue, and improves customer retention by addressing payment issues in a subscription-based business.
Best PracticesKey best practices include automating billing reminders, offering flexible payment options, personalizing communication, and optimizing retry schedules to improve customer retention and payment recovery.
How to Manage the ProcessAutomate notifications, retry payment attempts, and customize cancellation flows to efficiently manage the dunning process and retain customers.

Want To Know How SaaS Dunning Can Help With Client Retention?

When customers churn, it’s not always due to a loss of interest in your product. Sometimes, it’s caused by unintentional issues like payment failures, expired cards, or billing errors. The process of recovering these failed payments and retaining customers is known as SaaS dunning.

When done right, SaaS dunning can reduce churn and boost customer retention. In this Boathouse guide, we’ll explore how to effectively manage the dunning process in SaaS, along with best practices to ensure a smooth and successful payment recovery strategy.

Why Listen to Us?

At Boathouse, we've seen many challenges SaaS companies face with subscription billing. By offering flexible done-for-you solutions with our billing add-ons for Paddle, we've helped many businesses reduce revenue leakage and customer churn. Businesses we’ve supported have seen smoother operations, improved cash flow, and better customer retention, ultimately driving their revenue growth and business success.

What is SaaS Dunning?

SaaS dunning is the process of recovering failed payments or resolving billing issues in a subscription-based business. Since SaaS customers often pay on a recurring basis, payments can occasionally fail due to expired credit cards, insufficient funds, or technical errors.

The primary goal of dunning is to promptly address these issues to prevent involuntary churn, where customers unintentionally lose access to your service due to missed payments. This involves sending automated reminders, retrying payment methods, or offering alternative solutions to help customers resolve payment issues and maintain their subscriptions.

For instance, a tool like Boathouse streamlines SaaS dunning by automating tasks like billing emails, renewal reminders, and card expiry notifications, proactively managing failed payments to reduce customer churn.

Why SaaS Dunning is Important

An effective dunning process is key to recovering failed payments, retaining customers, and stabilizing revenue. Here's why SaaS dunning matters.

With Boathouse's billing solution, you can offer these choices alongside advanced features like customizable dunning workflows, automated reminders, and seamless payment processing. These features not only minimize disruptions but also foster long-term customer loyalty.

How To Manage SaaS Dunning Process

Managing the SaaS dunning process involves key steps. Here’s how to ensure a smooth, customer-friendly experience:

Automate Billing Notifications

Send timely renewal reminders by setting up automated emails that notify customers of upcoming renewals before their payment is due. Tools like Boathouse make it easy to stay ahead by sending reminders for renewals or alerting customers about card expirations.

In the event of a failed payment, immediately notify the customer via email or SMS. This alert should include a clear call-to-action, such as updating payment details or retrying the transaction to resolve the issue efficiently.

Retry Payment Attempts

To recover failed payments, implement a retry schedule that automatically processes failed payments multiple times over a defined period, typically every 3-5 days. Most payment gateways allow for multiple retries before officially canceling a subscription.

Optimizing the retry window is also vital. Experiment with retrying payments during times that maximize the chances of success, such as payday or weekends, when customers are more likely to have sufficient funds.

Customize Cancellation Flows

When a customer decides to cancel, it’s important to gather feedback. Customizable cancellation flows from services like Boathouse enable businesses to ask for reasons behind cancellations and use this feedback to improve service. Also, offering alternatives like pausing subscriptions instead of canceling outright can help retain customers who may be experiencing temporary financial issues but don't want to leave the service permanently.

Personalize Communication

Tailoring messaging to each customer can make a significant impact. Personalize emails with the customer’s name, usage stats, or other relevant details to highlight the benefits they are getting from the service.

This reinforces the value proposition and encourages them to resolve payment issues. If a customer is on the verge of canceling, consider offering incentives like a temporary discount or bonus features to entice them to stay.

Monitor and Analyze Dunning Metrics

To ensure your dunning process is effective, track payment recovery rates closely. Monitoring the percentage of payments successfully recovered will give insight into the efficiency of your current process. Regularly reviewing performance can help identify areas for improvement, such as adjusting the retry schedule or modifying messaging based on customer behavior patterns.

Best Practices for Effective SaaS Dunning

Best practices for effective SaaS dunning are crucial in managing failed payments while retaining customers by offering a positive experience. To achieve this, several key practices should be followed.

Maximizing Customer Retention Through Effective Dunning with Boathouse

Managing SaaS dunning is key to reducing involuntary churn and maintaining a healthy subscription base. Best practices like timely notifications, automated payment retries, and personalized communication can significantly improve retention efforts.

Boathouse enhances this process with automated billing reminders and customizable cancellation flows, reducing payment failures and offering flexible options like subscription pauses. Want to consider Boathouse? Create your free customer portal here.

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